Here is a mommy moment I could have lived without: a baby who gags himself and throws up repeatedly and for no reason. If you try to take his hand away from his mouth, he will either laugh or cry, and return his fingers to his throat the moment you release his hand. In fact, if you gave him the chance he would be more than happy to stick his hand down YOUR throat. Yes, he has tried. And bonus! He just started walking, which has become his favorite thing to do, so I had no idea he was even doing it till he walked up to me covered in puke, shoving his putrid orange hand in his mouth again. I don't know when I will be able to eat goldfish again...or smell them for that matter.
Why did no one tell me how gross babies are? They told me children were gross, and I heard the stories about poop smeared on walls by trickster toddlers, but I thought I had more time till my little precious baby became a puke monster! Oh the joys of mommy hood, having to walk through the house looking for where poor Fin was laid to his final rest.
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